Ask Any Artist

What I like about Independence Day is that it reminds me of my own independence. That may sound silly, but with all the hoopla, I can pretend that it’s not just about my country, but about me too, someone who lives here and enjoys all of the freedoms denied to others in other places. For instance, the freedom to be an artist is one I hold dear. Whether the world likes what I put on canvas or not, in America, it’s my right to do so. Of course, this right is not just for artists alone, but I tend to think of artists as change agents putting forth creative ideas for consideration by others. Some may fly, some may fall, but the important thing to me is that there’s a ball in the air…a thought, a dream, a possibility.
Now as far as the independence part, I relate that to the fireworks. Like me, many women of my generation married at an early age, going non-stop from their parent’s home to their husband’s home, never experiencing what it is like to be alone and independent. Once independent, big decisions weigh heavily. Sure we women have a lifetime of buying clothes and make-up, but what about a house or a car? Both of these transactions I recommend because they are exceedingly liberating…sort of like fireworks. If a woman can buy a house all by herself without any input from say a man, there is no decision she can’t make. It is a sure fire way to learn to trust your gut in one fell swoop. Those of you who know my background may ask what has all this got to do with the arts. Ah…there’s the point. Learning to be an artist is all about making decisions. It’s a line here, a shape there, a color, you decide. That’s why arts education is so important. It teaches decision making. If you don’t believe me, ask any artist.
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