Archive by Author

Children Are Our Future

Dear Friends: These are trying times for all of us: so many needs… so many challenges. It is indeed daunting. I think that if 2016 has taught us anything, it is that exercising our freedom of expression is a fundamental privilege we enjoy as Americans. That is why I believe the arts are so important…because […]

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Once Upon a Mattress

I am a great fan of the musical comedy Once Upon a Mattress. It is a hilarious, somewhat silly romp in which a princess is authenticated by her ability to detect a pea under twelve layers of mattresses. ArtsWestchester’s own somewhat-silly romp began when someone found a mattress hidden out of sight in our building. […]

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To My Grandkids

Dear Astrid and Nadia: I am writing to let you know that I believe someday, perhaps within your lifetime, there will be a woman President of the United States (POTUS). I hope you will help make that happen. We are living in a world where possibilities for women are expanding. Girls like yourselves are becoming […]

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Mothers Know Best


At my ripe-but-not-old age, I have finally, yet reluctantly, concluded that mothers know best. This message was brought home to me Saturday night by the mother of the famous clarinetist Derek Bermel. She whispered (entre nous) to me “I told him not to play the trumpet.” Thus, she took credit for his world renown as […]

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Blowin’ in the Wind

I cheered to myself when I heard Bob Dylan was chosen for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Days later, I was crushed when he didn’t accept the honor. His answer is probably still “blowin’ in the wind.” But, OMG, what a missed moment for the arts! My delight at first was due to the “bravo” […]

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Healing and Art

Some people believe that healing is an art. Others insist it is a science. I prefer to think about healing as both an art and a science. Intellectually, I take for granted the science part. Yet, perceptually, I continue to be fascinated by the impact of the arts on wellness. One can look at leading […]

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Witches Brews and the Like


Remedy is a new exhibition at ArtsWestchester, the focus of which is art and healing. This is not a new topic. In fact it has been pondered for centuries. So, we asked our newly arrived folklorist Sharna Brzycki to tell us about “Remedy and Folk Medicine.” Here’s what she had to say. Monkey gallbladders, once a prevailing facet of Chinese folk […]

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Mark di Suvero: Drawings in the Sky

A feisty man with a wide-brimmed hat breezed into my office one day in 1978 at the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. He walked with a cane while playing a harmonica to my staff’s delight. That is how I first met Mark di Suvero, the sculptor whose work will be on view at […]

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