Archive by Author

Westchester Fish Tales

Although 2012 is the year of the dragon in the Chinese calendar, for ArtsWestchester it is the year of the Fish.  There are two reasons for this.  The first is that the Chinese believe that the fish brings in wealth, and we at ArtsWestchester hope they are right. We need an infusion of arts funding […]

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If the Face Had Wheels

The paintings are scary, unreal and grotesque. There are the imaginary people who consume their own bodies or parts thereof such as the “Face Eater.” There is the “Gouged Girl,” in which a girl picnics nonchalantly on the beach. Her face and body are partly singed. You might for a moment react in disgust to […]

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Saving the Rockaways

Perhaps I am dating myself…BUT…When I was just a kid growing up in the Rockaways, my mother and I would board the Long Island Railroad every Saturday for an hour trip into Manhattan for ballet classes and for Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s concerts at Carnegie Hall.  The closest thing we had to culture was the […]

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The Nutcracker: A Holiday Tradition

What is there about The Nutcracker that makes it such an endearing classic? For one thing, it’s a party. Beautiful people in elegant attire gather around a magnificently decorated tree, along with little boys in knickers, girls with starched white dresses, and magic in the air as toy soldiers and flowers come to life. But […]

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Snow in October?

Snow in October?  I pooh-poohed the reports to myself and those around me.  I even promised Leah Emery, Neuberger Museum Acting Director, that it would never happen.  She seemed momentarily relieved since the museum’s big gala with the Performing Arts Center was much anticipated for that Saturday evening.  Then the unthinkable happened.  Yes.  Snow in […]

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Public Art at Cross County

As we mourn the loss of Steve Jobs and marvel at the iPad, iPod and iPhone, we may tend to under value the lowly hammer, wrench and axe.  Not so for Eric Wildrick whose sculptures embody a fascination for hand tools, which for early mankind made possible the impossible.  Two of his sculptures made of […]

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From the eARTh: a review

This week, my guest blogger is Judith Weber, a ceramic artist and President of the New Rochelle Council on the Arts.  In 1983, Weber co-founded  Media Loft,  the first Loft established for artists in Westchester County. At my request, Judith reviewed the eARTh exhibition on view at ArtsWestchester’s Peckham Gallery through November 23.  Sixty-eight ceramic […]

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Swimming Upstream

How is an artist like a salmon? Well, they are both used to swimming upstream. Artists work hard to get their work out there, building a following and an impressive resume so that people get comfortable with their track record.  Perhaps the public’s theory is that if an artist is “known,” he/she must be good.  […]

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