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I am definitely not a hat person, although I do love hats.  So I was happy to try on a few at the HATtitude exhibition of ArtsWestchester.  I found out that despite my short hair, there were a few I could wear with HATtitude.  Most of the try-on hats were provided by co-curator of the […]

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Arts pARTnerships

At 8 a.m. on a very snowy morning, fifty business leaders gathered at the Ritz Carlton Hotel to hear Robert Lynch, President and CEO of Americans for the Arts talk about the value of partnering with the arts. The morning was dedicated to helping ArtsWestchester (ArtsW) develop 50 new business partnerships for it’s 50th anniversary year […]

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The Mad Hatters of Mamaroneck Avenue

Some 10 years ago, on a visit to Milwaukee, I was charmed by a small exhibition of hats that African American women wore to church. Each hat was more unusual than the next. I came home inspired to do something similar at ArtsWestchester. The staff was indulgent, but not exactly charged up. Time passed. The […]

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Book vs. Nook

On CBS this past Sunday, Charles Sheaffer asked four authors/panelists whether they preferred a book to a Nook. All four chose the book over the nook, waxing poetic at times about the physicality of  its heft and the feel of its pages.  Perhaps this is a generational thing?  Or maybe a habit?  I personally find […]

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What I Bought

I did not need anything when I walked into the holiday boutique at ArtsWestchester. But ogling all the great stuff, I hung closer to my wallet. Then I met artist Eva Olivia, an entrepreneur who makes organic beauty products with natural plant-based ingredients. She reeled me in to try out a frothy, vanilla mixture just […]

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Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

It’s official! Westchester’s loss is Long Island’s gain. Neil Watson, former director of the Katonah Museum, is heading to the Long Island Museum at Stony Brook as its new Executive  Director. But it’s still possible to see Neil’s curatorial prowess at ArtsWestchester.   Twelve artists are “Pushing the Line” in a new exhibition at the Arts […]

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The Horse, Of Course

I got my comeuppance this week in Chautauqua, New York.  There by chance at an educational institute, I attended a lecture by the artist Stanley Lewis.  I expected he would talk about landscape painting because, after all, that’s his métier. Instead, he talked about horses as in the friezes at the Greek Parthenon. Those horses […]

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ArtsBash, Then and Now

I remember it well.  Our first ArtsBash in our brand new, old historic building in 1999.  I thought of this today as preparations got underway for this year’s ArtsBash tomorrow night.  We purchased the building at 31 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains in 1998.  It had been empty for five years. Our next door neighbor was […]

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