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The Arts Feel Good in the Economy


What does Westchester County have in common with Chicago and Boston?  They are all robust creative centers having more than 5% of their businesses designated as belonging to the creative industry sector.  So says a report from Americans for the Arts (AFTA) which cites all three locations as places where designers, photographers, filmmakers, gallerists, musicians and artistic […]

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A Love Story

Historic Hudson Valley Presents “Irving’s Legend” at The Old Dut

Every year, when the wind begins to blow and the leaves start to rustle, we hear strains of a ghost story called The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  It’s a scary short tale written in 1820 by Washington Irving whose home, Sunnyside, is transformed annually by Historic Hudson Valley (HHV) into an adventurous dwelling. HHV is the keeper of […]

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Good News Comes in All Forms

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    Good news comes in many forms. Yesterday, there was good news out of Washington D.C. which is, in itself, is a “surprise” since good news out of Washington is as rare as hen’s teeth. Indeed, it seems that the U.S. Senate has voted to support funding of the Arts and Humanities Endowments at […]

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A $20 Billion Problem


    I am worried. And I am not alone. My concern is what’s in store for the bottom lines for not-for-profits this coming year. The predictions in the media are troubling. Some are estimating that a loss of contributions to not-for-profit organizations will be in the billions…perhaps somewhere between $13 and $20 billion. These […]

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Reshaping the Funnies

Two People-01

Have you ever hid a comic book under your mattress? Of course, why would anyone do that? Better than reading a book—or so I thought at the time. When your mother is a teacher, comic books are “a corrupting influence that encourages children to look at pictures, ignoring the words that are basic to reading, […]

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An NEA Update in Pet Parlance


I am trying to wrap my head around a few newsworthy items. One of these is the number and size of dogs jet-setting on airlines. Now I happen to be a dyed in the wool dog lover.  So I asked myself what I might do if I was offered a free trip to Hawaii with […]

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Dear Eleanor Roosevelt


Visiting your cottage in Hyde Park on MLK weekend was a blast for me and my 15-year old granddaughter. We felt we were in the presence of greatness.  No need to remind us of the Women’s March, which will be taking place this weekend. It was securely on our minds. It was a blend of […]

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Good News from The REDC

Brickhead Please Stop – Ceramic brick sculpture – Height 64 – 2007

There was good news for the arts in Westchester in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recent announcement of Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) grants. The Music Conservatory of Westchester was on the list for a $500,000 grant for a piano technology lab, recording studio, percussion studio, and new studios for jazz, ensembles and music therapy. The new technology-based […]

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