Half Time Pours Local Craft Beers For the Arts

During the past few years, we’ve worked hard to inspire new arts & business partnerships. And, as I mentioned in last week’s blog — ArtsWestchester recently announced a new collaboration with Half Time stores and New York craft breweries. Art and Craft Beer. What’s a better pairing than that?
As both the arts and craft beer industries look to diversify and grow its audiences, we saw the partnership as a way to bridge our respective loyal followings. Pours from Brooklyn Brew, Ithaca Brew and Kelso Brew will be paired with an evening of food and art that features works by more than 20 artists at next Friday evening’s ArtsBash event.
From the arts perspective, collaboration with Half Time and local craft breweries will help ArtsWestchester to attract young professionals to its gallery and its unique arts events. Just as Half Time’s stores attract customers from afar, the arts attract, to Westchester’s cities and towns, cultural tourists who enjoy lifestyle and leisure activities. By partnering with the food and beverage industries at ArtsBash and other events, it’s a win-win for the cultural consumers.
Alan Daniels, Half Time owner, talks about ArtsBash as an opportunity for arts supporters to sample a unique selection of craft beers. He explains that “framing the hop and barley artisans’ craft brews for an audience of folks who appreciate the artisanal nature of the craft beer process makes great sense.” And, if it sounds like great fun to you — join the party. ArtsBash starts at 6pm next Friday. Tickets are going fast.
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