Inspired by Bricks

Brickhead: Please Stop by James Tyler
Ordinarily, one wouldn’t mention the Erie Canal, Carnegie Hall and the Croton Aqueduct in the same breath. But they do have a shared history that will be explored in a new, highly anticipated exhibition called Brick by Brick, which will be presented by ArtsWestchester at its stately White Plains gallery through January 2019. The exhibition tells the story of the era of prosperity that was fueled by the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, igniting a booming brick industry in towns and cities along the Hudson River. Brick by Brick: The Erie Canal & the Building Boom, is supported by a $75,000 grant from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA), and combines powerful, large-scale contemporary art installations presented alongside historical materials, archival and commissioned photographs and personal narratives of individuals who witnessed the region’s once vital brick industry. This is an exhibition of past glory combined with present day artwork by artists still inspired by this earthly material…
Visit the gallery at ArtsWestchester. On view now through Jan. 19, 2019 — Brick by Brick: The Erie Canal & The Building Boom at 31 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY. Visit and follow #AWbricks for more information.
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